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English translation for "英国内阁"

cabinet of the united kingdom

Related Translations:
缅甸内阁:  cabinet of myanmar
内阁地:  ministerially
内阁委员会:  cabinet committee
内阁门:  cabinet doors
影剧内阁:  shadow cabinet
内阁外交:  cabinet diplomacy
政府内阁:  presidential official family
内阁阁员:  cabinet members
核心内阁:  inner cabinet
马来西亚内阁:  cabinet of malaysia
Example Sentences:
1.I am speaking to you from the cabinet room
2.I am speaking to you from the cabinet room . .
3.Marry townsend , the british cabinet told her , and you ' ll lose your title , privileges and annual income . bowing to the ultimatum , margaret ended the liaison in 1955
4.And judging by the past , i wish to know what there has been in the conduct of the british ministry for the last ten years to justify those hopes with which gentlemen have been pleased to solace themselves and the house
5.Cabinet should not be looked down and author indeed thinks that england cannot form the modern constitutionalism without the formation and development of cabinet . generally speaking , british cabinet ' s actions form politics usage as follow . the first , the double liabilities for the king and the parliament ; the second , the cabinet ' s collective responsibility : from the cabinet of walpole to the cabinet of pelam , the cabinet ' s responsibility developed from individual responsibility to collective responsibility ; the third , the principal of trust of the common parliament
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