| 1. | Bold talent roused himself and turned . 英才如梦初醒,转过身来。 |
| 2. | Bold talent recovered first . 还是英才首先打破僵局。 |
| 3. | Whom the gods love die young . 英才早逝。 |
| 4. | Bold talent reached for the envelope the landlady held out to him and put it in his pocket . 英才接过房东太太递给的信,顺手塞进衣袋。 |
| 5. | Reluctantly, bold talent walked over to sit on the stone bench beside the screen of climbing yellow rose . 英才怏怏不乐地走过去,坐在爬满黄蔷薇的影壁旁的石凳上。 |
| 6. | Their recently acquired but clearly absolute faith in the magic powers of the mission hospital dismayed bold talent . 这些人近来绝对信任教会医院起死回生的本领,这使英才深为吃惊。 |
| 7. | Bold talent, knowing they would be too much for him, enlist her to hold the interviews while he eavesdropped from behind a screen . 英才自知他个人很难抵挡,便推出她负责接待,自己则躲在屏风后面偷听。 |
| 8. | To ensure excellence for the advancement of society :作育英才,为社会燃点亮光。 |
| 9. | On the cultivation of doctoral students in higher education science 得天下英才而教育之 |
| 10. | On li guangyao ' s person of outstanding ability in administration thought 论李光耀行政英才思想 |