| 1. | At either end of the bridge a sentinel stood with rifle at ready . 桥的两头各有一名哨兵,荷枪实弹守卫着。 |
| 2. | At either end of the bridge a sentinel stood with rifle at ready . 桥的两头各有一名哨兵,荷枪实弹地守卫着。 |
| 3. | Lock , loaded and hunting your motherfucking ass down 荷枪实弹地追杀你个混蛋 |
| 4. | His head up , he walked towards the enemies who were armed with big swords 他昂着头,朝荷枪实弹的敌人走去。 |
| 5. | But part of being an american in the wild west was we came armed 但某种意义上说,我们是荷枪实弹的来到美国西部开荒的。 |
| 6. | Soldiers dressed in camouflage with guns at the ready stood guard along her 25 - minute motorcade route into the city 荷枪实弹的士兵身着迷彩服守卫在她车队通往城里的路上,这段路程需要花25分钟。 |
| 7. | They will be under constant guard by at least three armed troopers , for your protection as well as the psyker ' s 这是为了你自己,同样也是为灵能者的安全着想,因为他们随时随地都会由至少3名荷枪实弹的大兵看护着。 |
| 8. | They were designed to protect the skies and deliver their weapons with ever increasing accuracy and to remain undetected by their enemies 随著科技的发达,昔日的荷枪实弹已不复见,换来的是一系列高科技军事装备。 |
| 9. | Only see that go out of a sentry of the people s army ready for an emergency in the darkness , guard a room of cogongrass of this statue and nearby 只见黑暗中走出一位荷枪实弹的人民军哨兵,守卫著这座塑像和旁边的一座茅草屋。 |
| 10. | Only see that go out of a sentry of the people s army ready for an emergency in the darkness , guard a room of cogongrass of this statue and nearby 只见黑暗中走出一位荷枪实弹的人民军哨兵,守卫著这座塑像和旁边的一座茅草屋。 |