| 1. | Once you were nearly the victim of a near relative . 你曾险遭一近亲蒙骗。 |
| 2. | I see that men still know how to beguile us women with false words . 我知道你们男人懂得如何用虚情假意的言辞来蒙骗我们女人。 |
| 3. | The man who can still humbug himself has before him a future not lacking in brightness . 能够蒙骗自己的人仍然具有不乏光明的前景。 |
| 4. | The hate we felt for the men whom we had tried to cheat went into the blows we threw at each other . 我们对自己曾试图蒙骗的那些人的怨恨都集中在我们互相击打的拳头上了。 |
| 5. | The story of the woman's deception gave form and meaning to confused defensive feelings that had had long been sleeping in me . 那个妇女蒙骗人的故事使我心目中一直潜伏的模糊不清的防御心理成了形并有了意义。 |
| 6. | Suffice to ask : have we shortchanged ourselves 我们只需要问:我们是否被蒙骗了? |
| 7. | You may be too cu ing for one , but not for all 蒙骗得了一人,但蒙骗不了所有的人。 |
| 8. | You may be too cunning for one , but not for all 蒙骗得了一人,但蒙骗不了所有的人。 |
| 9. | But don ' t let van der woude ' s eccentricity fool you 但不要被范德伍德的古怪给蒙骗了 |
| 10. | They attempted to practice deception on the public 他们企图蒙骗公众耳目。 |