Are excluded from the calculation of the pay trend indicators 而作出的薪金调整,均不包括在内:
General salary ustment 全面薪金调整
Salary wizard calculator ? a tool that shows national average salaries adjusted by location for different jobs 月薪觋计算器- -工具显示全国平均薪金调整位置不同职位
Note : adjustments due to external relativities refer to those given to a specific group of employees in a company as a result of salaries paid by other companies for a similar job 供参考,不会用作计算薪酬趋势指标。注:因外部对比关系而作出的薪金调整,是指因应其他公司
Only data on salary adjustments and additional payments relating to the survey period and additional payments for the 12 months before the survey period reported belatedly are included in the calculation of the pay trend indicators 只有调查期内的薪金调整及额外酬金数据,以及调查期前12个月迟报的额外酬金数据,才