蜚声: [书面语] (扬名) make a name; become famous 短语和例子蜚声文坛 win renown in literary circles; 蜚声海外 enjoy [win] a high reputation abroad; 他的艺术才能使他蜚声文艺界。 he acquired an enviable reputation in literary and
Its role as a bridge between europe and china gives ceibs a status of international prominence and responsibility 中欧国际工商学院是中国与欧洲的桥梁,这既使她蜚声海外,也使她担负起了国际责任。
Its role as a bridge between europe and china gives ceibs a status of international prominence and responsibility 中欧国际工商学院是中国与欧洲的桥梁,这既使她蜚声海外,也使她担负起了国际责任。