Studying summary of dermatosis treated on xuehai with acupuncture and moxibustion 针灸血海穴治疗皮肤病的研究概况
Let blood drown the weak 让血海淹没弱者吧
Effects of drug serum in broken bushen yizhi formulas on cell model of alzheimer disease 小鼠短暂前脑缺血海马区半胱氨酸天冬氨酸蛋白酶3酶原表达形式的变化
I - no , " the truth is , you still enjoy it , don ' t you ? bathing in blood as you rip through people ' s organs . 事实上你仍然享受著吧?沐浴在血海之中,切割人类的器官。
" ahh , mademoiselle . you are like a weeping girl adrift in a sea of blood . the epitome of the human way of life ! 小姐啊,你就像一个漂泊在血海中哭泣的女孩,人类生存方式的缩影!
My two legs early fall in the bloodshed , wants to stop butcannot , wants to turn head , the picture walks to the terminus , iscalled the person fearful , the escape route was did not have , thefuture was piece of bog place , let the person 我两腿早陷在血海里,欲罢不能,想回头,就像走到尽头般,叫人心寒,退路是没有了,前途是一片沼泽地,让人越陷越深。 。
Emmeniopathy is often treated by regulating qi and blood , reinforcing viscera and harmonizing thoroughfare and conception vessels ; the three yin meridians of foot and conception and governor vessels ( lr3 , ki3 , sp6 , sp10 , sp9 , st36 , rn6 , rn4 , gv20 ) were treated 摘要月经病治疗可以从调和气血、调补脏腑和调理冲任三方面入手,以足三阴和任督经脉输穴为主,常用脑穴为太冲、太溪、三阴交、血海、阴陵泉、足三里、气海、关元、百会等。