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English translation for "行员"

[ hángyuán ]

Related Translations:
银行行员:  bank clerkbank employees
脑行员:  majescopsychonautsxbox
盲人琶行员:  blind pilots
行员酬劳金:  employees bonus
行员定期储蓄存款:  staff time savings deposits
行员活期储蓄存款:  staff demand savings deposits
水星领行员第二季:  aria the natural
Example Sentences:
1.Most of the clerks in this bank are very kind
2.Said one of the oldest of clerks to jerry the messenger
3.Not at all , returned the ancient clerk
“一点也不, ”老行员说。
4.It is the law , remarked the ancient clerk , turning his surprised spectacles upon him
“这是法律, ”衰老的行员把他吃惊的眼镜转向他。
5." you know the old bailey well , no doubt ? " said one of the oldest of clerks to jerry the messenger
你对老贝勒很熟,是吗? ”一个衰老的行员对跑腿的杰瑞说。
6.Well , well , said the old clerk ; we all have our various ways of gaining a livelihood
“好了,好了, ”衰老的行员说, “咱们谁都挣钱过日子,可办法各有不同。
7.No . the stamp only acknolwdge the receipt of the cheque . there is no guarantee the cheque won ' t bounce
8.Mr kellems paid tribute to bank staff in his resignation statement : “ i have tremendous respect and admiration for the bank staff and management
凯勒姆斯在其辞职声明中赞扬了世行员工: “我对世行员工和管理层有着崇高的敬意和赞赏。 ”
9.As the ancient clerk deliberately folded and superscribed the note , mr . cruncher , after surveying him in silence until he came to the blotting - paper stage , remarked
10.He was so much too big for tellson s , that old clerks in distant corners looked up with looks of remonstrance , as though he squeezed them against the wall
Similar Words:
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