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English translation for "行经的"


Related Translations:
行经:  1.(行程中经过) go by; pass by 短语和例子当汽车行经村庄时, 我看到了一群羊。 i saw a flock of sheep when the car passed through a village.2.[生理学] menstruate 短语和例子行经过早 proiomenorrhea
行经前期:  premenstrual periodpremenstrual stagespremenstrualperiod
行经后:  after menstruation
行经过早:  proiomenorrhea
女人行经:  if a woman have an issue
行经期:  menstrual period
多次行经:  plurimenorrhea
正行经:  is an abbreviation of
行经目痛:  menstrual ophthalmalgia
行经腹疼:  dysmenorrhea
Example Sentences:
1.Then you need to watch the path of the sun closely at each hour of the day
2.Cycle routes may cross normal traffic lanes , particularly at junctions
3.Note the locations of police stations , country park management centres as well as emergency call telephones in the vicinity
4.Unfortunately , a passing gravitational wave will make only a tiny change in the distance the laser beams have to travel
5.As a result , the fluid moved through short , straight pipes instead of tracing circuitous paths , further reducing friction and capital costs
6.When driving a long vehicle you may not be able to keep within the normal traffic lanes or follow the path taken by smaller vehicles , particularly if the lanes are narrow and your path is tightly curved
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