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Home > chinese-english > "行船到最近的港口" in English

English translation for "行船到最近的港口"

navigate the ship to the nearest port

Related Translations:
行船:  sail a boat; navigate 短语和例子行船到最近的港口 navigate the ship to the nearest port; 逆风行船 sail against the wind; 顺风行船 sail before the wind; 顺流行船 navigate down the stream
行船通知:  dock returns
逆风行船:  sail against the wind
行船风:  junk wind
行船务:  ben-line
行船猫:  cruise catpuss n boats
急行船:  hurtigruten
顺风行船:  sail with the wind
顺流行船:  navigate down the stream
戗风行船:  sail against the wind
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