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English translation for "行错误"

line error

Related Translations:
过时错误:  time-out errorto time out error
错误计时:  wrong timing
错误支付:  mistaken payment
错误分类:  error categorymis-classification
掩饰错误:  gloss over one's mistakes
页错误:  page fault
知觉错误:  perceptual error
错误分析:  error analysisfa: failure analysis
区错误:  boot
错误比特:  erroneous bit
Example Sentences:
1.For row errors , the icon is displayed to the left of the row
2.Adding and reading row error information
3.To avoid having to respond to row errors while editing values in a
4.You can add the error information to the row for later use . the
5.Command - line error
6.You can also handle events that let you maintain values not typically stored in a bound data source , such as cell tooltip text , cell and row error text , cell and row shortcut menu data , and row height data
7.To incorporate the resolved changes and any row error information from the update . the following code assumes that you have used visual studio to create the web reference , and that you have renamed the web reference to dssample in the
Updatecustomers返回已解析的dataset ,然后,您可以将其合并( merge )到现有dataset中,以包含来自更新的已解析更改以及任何行错误信息。
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