| 1. | He put the bark hastily in his pocket . 他又把那块树枝皮连忙放回衣袋里。 |
| 2. | Take your hands out of your pockets . 把你的手从衣袋里拿出来。 |
| 3. | Coins in his pocket jingled as he walked . 走路时,他衣袋里的钱币丁当作响。 |
| 4. | The man produced a revolver from his pocket . 那人从衣袋里掏出一支左轮手枪。 |
| 5. | His hands stopped at the inside coat pocket . 他的手在他上衣里面的衣袋上停住了。 |
| 6. | He walked slowly , his hands buried in his pockets . 他走得很慢,两手插在衣袋里。 |
| 7. | The teacher ordered him to turn out his pockets . 老师叫他把衣袋里的东西全拿出来。 |
| 8. | He dug into his pocket and brought out a fat envelope . 他伸手从衣袋里拿出一个厚厚的信封。 |
| 9. | He fished out from his pocket the little tool kit he always carried . 他从衣袋里拿出他一直随身携带的小工具包。 |
| 10. | She commenced to cry and put my patient record in her apron pocket . 她开始哭起来,把我的病历放在她罩衫的衣袋里。 |