It is chiefly insects which, from incessantly harassing and weakening the elephant in india, check its increase . 主要地是昆虫不断袭扰和削弱印度象而抑制了它的增殖。
The army harried the enemy ' s border 军队不断地袭扰敌方的边境。
Sven - goran eriksson has revealed his house has been damaged by vandals for the third time since he took over as england manager . sven - goran eriksson has revealed his house has been damaged by vandals for the third time since he took over as england manager 英格兰足球队瑞典籍主教练埃里克森日前透露说,自从他执教英格兰队以来,其在伦敦的家已经第3次遭到一些蓄意破坏者的袭扰。