| 1. | The judge looked up from his notes to glare at him . 裁判官的头从文件上仰起来,对他怒目圆睁。 |
| 2. | But, there my lord interposed, saying that he could not sit upon that bench and suffer those allusions . 但是,说到这里,裁判官插嘴说道他不能坐在公堂上忍受这些指责。 |
| 3. | Deaths registration referred by the coroner 办理由死因裁判官转介的死亡登记 |
| 4. | Resolution under the magistrates ordinance 根据裁判官条例订立的决议案 |
| 5. | 6 . coroners forms amendment rules 1997 6 . 1997年死因裁判官表格修订规 |
| 6. | Magistrates fees amendment regulation 2000 2000年裁判官费用修订规例 |
| 7. | Magistrates ordinance amendment of fourth schedule order 2002 2002年裁判官条例修订附表4令 |
| 8. | Magistrates ordinance amendment of fourth schedule order 2005 2005年裁判官条例修订附表4令 |
| 9. | Coroners fees amendment rules 2000 2000年死因裁判官费用修订规则 |
| 10. | And she traveled in this way to the magistrate ' s home 并且,她以这种方法,走行到裁判官的家中。 |