| 1. | Each tribunal consists of two judges . 每个裁判所由两名法官组成。 |
| 2. | The inquisition had burned people but could not burn their ideas . 宗教裁判所曾经烧掉了他们的肉体,但并没有烧掉他们的思想。 |
| 3. | How to contact the asylum and immigration tribunal 如何联系移民庇护裁判所( ait ) |
| 4. | What does the asylum and immigration tribunal do 移民庇护裁判所( ait )负责什么工作 |
| 5. | Burnings at the stake , your basic lnquisition - type stuff 还有火刑柱,一些宗教裁判所才用东西 |
| 6. | They had the lnquisition over here , too 他们这里也有宗教裁判所 |
| 7. | United nations administrative tribunal 联合国行政裁判所 |
| 8. | It is enough that you return straight to the conciergerie , and will know to - morrow “你只须立即回到裁判所附属监狱就行。 |
| 9. | He was anxious to tell her about an account he had settled for her at the justice of peace s court 他想告诉她,他在治安裁判所里,给她结了一笔帐。 |
| 10. | In case of the right to compensation determined by the court , the date of such order of the court 透过裁判所定之给付之权利之时效期间为两年,由裁判转为确定日起算。 |