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English translation for "裱花"

mounting patterns

Related Translations:
:  动1.(装潢字画书籍等) mount (a picture, a painting, etc.) 短语和例子把画拿去裱一下 have the painting mounted; 他把那幅画裱在绢上。 he mounted the picture upon silken cloth.2.(糊) paste up 短语和例子这些墙壁是用壁纸裱的。 the walls were
裱背:  mounting
融裱:  thaw mount
裱动:  mount
裱版:  adhesive backing
禄裱:  lubiao
干裱:  dry mount
裱绢:  chiffon silk
修裱:  mounting
裱卡:  pasted board
Example Sentences:
1.An investigation on the actuality of confectionery in bengbu
2.Whip the cream stiffly before decorating the cake with it
3.Cream filling , a new type of edible filling , traditional taste . for different kind of cake , bread , piping , ice cream , milk shake and other kinds of pastries decoration and seasoning
4.We offer kingmar all purpose margarine , cream margarine , puff pastry , royal puff pastry slice , holland butter , australian butter , special shortening , fluid shortening for moon cake , liquid shortening , etc . all over the 31 provinces of china
5.Other christmas cakes include royal iced cakes oval or round with handmade snowmen ; a soft - sugar iced cake both beautifully decorated and finished with a red ribbon ; a snowy iced cake , piped with merry christmas ; a small cake topped with toasted marzipan in a gift box tied with ribbon and an unusual toasted marzipan wreath cake decorated with marzipan ivy leaves
其它的圣诞蛋糕还有:装饰有手工雕刻雪人的冰糖蛋糕(有椭圆形和圆形的) 、柔软的冰糖蛋糕(最后一道工序是将精美的红丝带打成蝴蝶结,来作装饰) 、以“ merry christmas ”字样裱花的雪花状冰糖蛋糕及用烘烤过的杏仁蛋白软糖覆盖顶部的小型蛋糕,装在系有丝带的礼盒中。
6.Introduction : mouse operation , a choice of your favorite cake started the game ; from then on the top right hand corner of the many ingredients choose ingredients into operation next point lower right arrow ; scribbled cream cake will again point lower right arrow ; another cake for the actuality of confectionery , point lower right arrow ; finally onto the fruit , point lower right arrow
7.Mouse operation , a choice of your favorite cake started the game ; from then on the top right hand corner of the many ingredients choose ingredients into operation next point lower right arrow ; scribbled cream cake will again point lower right arrow ; another cake for the actuality of confectionery , point lower right arrow ; finally onto the fruit , point lower right arrow
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