| 1. | In that transient period the southwest associated university did turn out for the country a good many men and women of talent . 在这短短的八年间,西南联大为国家培养了大批人才。 |
| 2. | The professors and the song of the southwest associated university xinanlianda 西南联大的教授和校歌 |
| 3. | On the movement of saving oneself by working in southwest allied university 试述西南联大生产自救运动 |
| 4. | The poets cluster in the flames of war and the transformation of spirit 试论西南联大现代主义诗群的生成 |
| 5. | A probe into the causes of operation miracle in the united university of southwest 西南联大办学奇迹背后的原因探析 |
| 6. | South - west united university during the anti - japanses war and cultural development of yunnan 抗战时期的西南联大与云南社会文化发展 |
| 7. | Time at which shen cong - wen entered the national southwest associated university and became a professor 沈从文进入西南联大任教及被聘为教授时间考证 |
| 8. | Southwest united university : its implications of useful experience for building first - level universities 西南联大的办学经验对创建高水平大学的借鉴意义 |
| 9. | The influences of the southwest associated university on yunnan primary and high schools during the anti - japanese war 抗战时期西南联大对云南中小学教育的影响 |