| 1. | West - to - east natural gas transmission project gets green light chinese only 西气东输工程开始进入实施阶段 |
| 2. | Effect of strength match of girth weld on safety of the west - east pipeline 西气东输管道环焊缝强度匹配工艺探讨 |
| 3. | Gas supply : the gas west - east transfer project has been in operation 供气: “西气东输”的天然气漯河已经开通。 |
| 4. | Prediction of gas delivery capacity for pipeline design of west - east gas transmision 西气东输管道设计输气量预测 |
| 5. | The new labor safety hygiene assessment model of the west - to - east gas pipeline engineering 西气东输工程劳动安全卫生预评价新模式 |
| 6. | The construction machinery and equipment used in the west - east natural gas transportation pipeline project 西气东输中的工程机械前景 |
| 7. | The possible girth weld match procedure for the pipeline is discussed too 最后综合各种因素分析了西气东输管道应采用的环焊缝匹配工艺。 |
| 8. | Suggestions on ecological rehabilitation along pipeline of gas transfer project from west to east in ningxia section 西气东输宁夏段管道沿线生态修复建议 |
| 9. | In the project of energy transportation from the west to the east , pipelines cross the loess altiplano 在西气东输工程中,有一大部分管线要穿越黄土高原。 |
| 10. | In 2002 , our corporation won the competitive bidding of the anchor flange for west - east gas pipeline project 2002年我公司在西气东输管道工程锚固法兰的竞标中 |