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English translation for "角坐标"

angular coordinate; angular position
◇角坐标照明 angle blanking

Related Translations:
径向坐标:  radial coordinates
天体坐标:  celestial coordinates
坐标四面体:  tetrahedron of reference
焦点坐标:  focal coordinates
曲线坐标:  curvilineal coordinatescurvilinear coordinates
坐标线:  coordinate linegrid linegridline
坐标映射:  coordinate mapping
显示坐标:  toggle portals
晶体坐标:  crystal coordinates
内蕴坐标:  intri ic coordinatesintrinsic coordinates
Example Sentences:
1.Narrow - angle coordinator
2.Structure that specifies the upper left - hand coordinates of where to draw the font
3.Method is used to draw a rectangle by specifying the top left and lower coordinates , along with an optional argument
在visual basic 6 . 0中,通过指定左上角和右下角坐标以及可选参数
4.In all cases , the upper - left coordinate of the rectangle is included in the client area , while the lower - right coordinate is excluded
5.This technique avoids computing inverse log - polar mapping ilpm to preserve the quality of the watermarked image , and avoids exhaustive search to save computation time and reduce false detection . experimental results demonstrate that the digital watermarking technique is invariant and robust to rotation , scaling , and translation transformation
Similar Words:
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