Subscripts z and e are for zonal and eddy components respectively . 下角标Z和E分别表示纬向分量和旋涡分量。
When a molecule contains two or more atoms of the same kind, a subscript indicates the number present . 当某一分子包含两个或多个同种原子时,就用一个角标表示该原子的数目。
Number ? your ? cards ? on ? the ? top ? right ; 在卡片的右上角标上数字;
Subscripts z and e are for zonal and eddy components respectively 下角标z和e分别表示纬向分量和旋涡分量。
Cells containing comments are marked with a small red triangle in the upper right corner 包含批注的单元格右上角标有红色小三角。
The measurement system consist of computer , 16 - channel high speed data acquisition board , spark plug pressure sensor , crank angle signal generator , charge amplifier and oscillograph . the max acquisition frequency of this system is 1mhz 由通用微机、 16通道无相差高速数据采集卡、火花塞式压力传感器、角标信号发生器、电荷放大器、示波器组成的高速数据采集系统,最高总采样频率为1mhz 。