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English translation for "计算结构力学"

computational structural mechanics

Related Translations:
结构力学:  mechanics of structuresstrength of structurestructual mechanicsstructualmechanicsstructural engineeringstructural mechanicstheory of structures
舰艇结构力学:  naval structural mechanics
重结构力学:  barodynamics
船舶结构力学:  ship structural mechanicsstructual mechamics for ships
船体结构力学:  hull structural mechanics
重型结构力学:  barodynamics
重力结构力学:  barodynamics
复合材料结构力学:  structural mechanics of complex materialsstructural mechanics of composite material
舰船结构力学:  mechanics of structure of shipsnaval structural mechanics
结构力学杂志:  journal of structural mechanics
Example Sentences:
1.Sui yunkang and pan tianqun , " fuzzy " precision processing for structural model of nodes in finite element method , international conference modelling & simulation , shekou shenzhen , 1988
隋允康、潘天群,结构节点模型的"弗晰"精化处理,计算结构力学及其应用, 6卷3期( 1989 )
2.Another method is the fluid - structure interaction emulation using the computational fluid dynamics ( cfd ) and the computational structure dynamics ( csd ) . the wind movement and the wind pressures are obtained by cfd
另一种方法是采用计算流体力学方法( computatinnalflulddynamies )和计算结构力学方法( computationalstructuredynamics )仿真模拟结构在风场作用下的响应。
3.The finite element analysis method based on contact problem is a numerical algorithm used for solving contact problem of connection interface , which is developed from the general fem . this method is a combination of elasticity theory and fem , also it is an important aspect of computational structure mechanics
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