[ ràngwèi ] 1.(让出统治地位) resign sovereign authority; abdicate 2.(让座) offer [give up] one's seat to sb. 3.(转向) yield to; give way to; change into 短语和例子 经过大家的努力, 困难的局面终于让位于顺利的局面。 as a result of collective effort, the difficult situation changed into a favourable one
Certain war has yielded to an uncertain peace today . 那实实在在的战争,今天让位给了还不那么实在的和平。
Its demise cannot be explained by high administrative and collection costs alone . 它的让位不能单独用高额的管理费用和征集费用来解释。
The earlier good humour and high spirits give way to a progressively despairing vision . 先前那种快活的幽默和高昂的情绪统统让位于对一切渐感失望的看法。
Similarly, the study of continuous systems is steadily giving ground to that of discrete systems . 同样的,连续系统的研究正不断地让位于离散系统的研究。
The terror had at long intervals given place to a feeling of an almost ineffable sweetness . 这种胆战心惊的感觉就偶尔让位给一种简直说不出的甜蜜的感觉了。
Uncle left his position of the board of directors as he felt that he should move over in favour of a younger man . 叔父辞去了董事会职务,他认为他应该让位给较年轻的人。
Henceforward he was more or less a husk. and he half acquiesced, as so many men do, yielding their place to their children . 从此他多少成了个没用的空壳,他只得象好多男人一样有点儿认命了,让位给了孩子们。