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Home > chinese-english > "让我进驻你的心灵" in English

English translation for "让我进驻你的心灵"

it's easy take me to your heart
take me to your heart take me to your soul

Related Translations:
进驻:  enter and be stationed in; enter and garrison; march into (a place) and station there
让伤痛进驻心底:  making room for the harrows to come
考虑派遣联合国维持和平部队进驻东帝汶:  consider a un peacekeeping force for east timor
可进驻的单位数目:  garrison capacity
让我进驻你的心灵 并不难:  it's easy take me to your heart
心灵dj:  jakob le menteurjakob the liar
七窍心灵:  one's heart has the seven portals of the heart of the wise
心灵剥夺:  mind flay
心灵尖啸:  psychic scream
心灵融会:  mind blend
Similar Words:
"让我进入" English translation, "让我进入你的心,进入你的灵魂" English translation, "让我进入你的心吧,进入你的灵魂" English translation, "让我进入你的心里并留在你身边" English translation, "让我进入你心中" English translation, "让我进驻你的心灵 并不难" English translation, "让我静静" English translation, "让我举出更多的证据" English translation, "让我觉得不尽人意" English translation, "让我觉着你就在我身边" English translation