[ cízhāng ] 1.(韵文和散文的总称) poetry and prose; prose and verse 2.(写作技巧; 修辞) art of writing
Example Sentences:
Zeng guofan inherited yaonai ' s theory of argumentation , textual research and rhetoric , and created 4 classification theories of morality , politics , speech and literature with a unique illustration of his own ideas 曾国藩继承姚鼐“义理、词章、考据”之文论,创造性地提出“德行” 、 “政事” 、 “言语” 、 “文学”四分法,发挥了自己独到的见解。
The definition of fraud as it is used in the context of the australian commonwealth s policy on fraud control is " inducing a course of action by deceit or other dishonest conduct , involving acts or omissions or the making of false statements , orally or in writing , with the object of obtaining money or other benefit from , or of evading a liability to , the commonwealth " 所谓诈骗,在澳大利亚联邦范围内对防诈骗政策上之释义,是以欺骗手段或不诚实行为,包括行动或省略行动或以错误词章,以口述或书面方式,引致一连串行动,目的是从联邦政府取获金钱或其他利益,甚或躲避责任。