We sifted the evidence for pertinent facts 我们详察证据以获得有关联的真相。
Haven ' t his men come to you to explore and spy out the country and overthrow it ? 他的臣仆来见你不是为详察窥探,倾覆这地吗?
Have not his servants come to you in order to search out and to overthrow and to spy on the land 他的臣仆到你这里来,不是为详察窥探,要倾覆这地么?
To fully understand h . pylori ' s effects on health , researchers must investigate the complex web of interactions between this remarkable microbe and its hosts 为充份了解幽门螺旋菌对健康的影响,研究人员一定得详察这种微生物和宿主之间复杂的互动网络。
With the emphasis on the interrelation of their intellectual searches and the social environments they lived in , it concerns with the process of intellectual development of the two men in hopes of revealing some common features shared by many other late ming intellectuals in their spiritual pursuits during an age of uncertainty 以两人思想发展历程为关注点,通过详察社会环境和他们思想探索之间的相互关系,本文试图展现出动荡不安的时代背景下,晚明知识分子所具有的一些共相。