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English translation for "语义关系"

semantic relation

Related Translations:
变换语义:  transformational calculustransformational semantics
语义消解:  semantic resolution
语义编码:  semantic coding
合成语义:  compositional semantic
语义前提:  semantic presupposition
语义错误:  semantic error
语义信息:  semantic information
语义区别:  semantic differential
形式语义:  formal definitionformal semantics of programming languages
语义法:  semantic approachsemantic technique
Example Sentences:
1.Semantic relationships and second language acquisition
2.A new approach to the lexical semantic relation
3.A structural discussion of semantic relations
4.Transition from guttural sound to dental sound recorded in documents
5.Every collocation in the binary - collocation repository is marked by the semantic codes
6.What is more , connectives also indicate the logical - semantic relations between sentences , paragraphs in a text and those within a text
7.A dramatic breakthrough to success will probably require a determined effort by a party with deep pockets , one that has more to gain from interoperability than it has to risk
8.Just as illustrated in quite a few scholars ' academic monographs , it is always assumed that connectives indicate the grammatical connections and logical - semantic relations between clauses
9.The conditions are : 1 . non - adverb conjunction , 2 . conjunctions often used to connect complex sentences , 3 . conjunctions independently used on the condition that the meaning is concise and clear
10.At the same time , constructing of building model is realized by use of semantic relationship of object - oriented , which help for spatial analysis and query on building or building group
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