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English translation for "请教一下"

judicial process/procedure

Related Translations:
请教:  ask for advice; consult 短语和例子请教内行 consult an expert; 向老数学家请教几个数学问题 consult an old mathematician on a few maths problems; 向老师傅请教 learn from the master worker; ask for the master worker's ad
请教他人:  pick sb.'s brainssuck sb.'s brains
请教大名:  what's your name please
请教者:  consultant
请教老师:  consult a teacher
请教内行:  consult an expert
请教某人:  pick someone’s brains
向专家请教:  get the advice of the experts
请教显卡:  quadro 700xgl
向朋友请教:  go to a friend for advice
Example Sentences:
1.Let us look it up in our old friend , the dictionary .
2.Question history, and learn how all the defenders of liberty in all times, have been overwhelmed by calumny .
3.How to distinguish qi ' s or japanese dao tan
4.I would like to ask about the salary
5.We ' d like to discuss a mortgage
6.Lin : sorry , this is lina . may i ask your name , please
7.Q : i want to ask how to prevent and treat epidemic red eyes f 30
8.Please comment that is the cavalry dressing dao the dao used in battlefield , or the ordinary dressing dao ? thanks
9.Often see on news of finance and economics city is filled with lead this noun , want to know what meaning , consult everybody
10.Be flexible : if you hear something new , ask a friend or teacher . don ' t be afaid to try new words and phrasses
Similar Words:
"请教内行" English translation, "请教你当地的全科医生" English translation, "请教他人" English translation, "请教显卡" English translation, "请教一个翻译阶段性的成果" English translation, "请教者" English translation, "请叫我的名字" English translation, "请叫我库布里克" English translation, "请接" English translation, "请接到我们的询价单后马上给我们报价" English translation