| 1. | A batch of rolled steel was allocated to us .. 调来一批钢材。 |
| 2. | It should not be exterminated with forces which will shortly be available . 如果不久即能调来军队,它则不会被消灭。 |
| 3. | Recruits or draftees, these sailors were quick learners . 不管是调来的新兵也好,刚应征入伍的也好,这些水兵都是一学就会。 |
| 4. | In consequence the strong air forces we had collected to protect the landings had a very good bag . 结果,我们集中调来保护降陆的强大空军获得了辉煌的战果。 |
| 5. | He got to the airport first, and stopped her flight until a four-engined plane could be procured . 他先赶到机场,阻止她启程,直到调来一架四引擎的飞机才让她出发。 |
| 6. | Bethune enlarged his mobile unit to 18 people, brought in fong from the 359th brigade as an operating assistant . 白求恩把他的战地医疗队扩充到十八个人,从三五九旅调来了方作手术助手。 |
| 7. | Automatically he considered it hearn's fault that the transfer had been made and resented him instinctively for it . 他不假思索地认为候恩调来是候恩的过错,因而也就自然而然地对候恩恨入骨髓。 |
| 8. | Sam fuller . transferred in from chicago last week 珊姆富勒,上星期刚从芝加哥调来 |
| 9. | Sam fuller . transferred in from chicago last week ? 珊姆?富勒,上星期刚从芝加哥调来 |
| 10. | The sample uses this callback to update a progress bar 此示例使用此回调来更新进度栏。 |