| 1. | He seems rather sweet upon miss amory . 他好象对艾默里小姐怪亲热的。 |
| 2. | Nobody seemed interested in the wantonly imperilled life . 好象对那个千钧一发的生命谁都没有兴趣。 |
| 3. | He seemed to have an instinct about the cards. it was uncanny . 他好象对牌有一种本能似的,简直神了。 |
| 4. | Chastity was as deeply ingrained in them as party loyalty . 清心寡欲的思想象对党忠诚一样牢牢地在她们心中扎了根。 |
| 5. | He seems to have conceived an abject, unreasoned terror of the railroad . 他好象对铁路公司抱着一种意气消沉,不可理喻的恐惧心理。 |
| 6. | The young lady, however, seemed slightly bored with her own singing ability . 但是这位年轻姑娘却好象对自己的歌唱本领感到有些厌烦。 |
| 7. | They were tall men and beautiful women who seemed not to have a care in the world . 男人身材高大,妇女婀娜多姿,他们无忧无虑,好象对世界上的一切都不用操心似的。 |
| 8. | Major pendennis was as laboriously civil and gracious to him as he was to the rest of the family . 潘登尼斯少校对他彬彬有礼,非常客气,就象对他家里的其他人一样。 |
| 9. | As the inspector and others came in, she regarded them disdainfully, seemingly unconcerned about her capture . 警官和其他人进来的时候,她的态度轻蔑,好象对被抓一事不以为然。 |
| 10. | Though neighbours disapproved of his vagaries, they did not treat him with hostility, as they might have done a stranger . 邻居虽然不赞成他为人怪癖,却也不象对生人那样敌视他。 |