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English translation for "资产担保"

assets cover

Related Translations:
有信用担保的债券:  guarenteed bond
资产业务:  assets operation
折耗资产:  depletion assets
资产调换:  asset swap
其他资产:  other assets
闲置资产:  dormant assetsidle assets
基金资产:  fund assets
资产收益:  asset incomeassets incomeproperty incomereturn on assets
投资资产:  investment assets
剩余资产:  remaining propertyresidual assetssurplus assets
Example Sentences:
1.Asset protection lending
2.Asset backed securities
3.Chapter three discusses the legal issues of the issuing and transaction of the asset - backed securities
4.Currently there two kinds of mature and normative securities in foreign countries : abs and mbs
目前国外比较成熟而且规范的证券是资产担保证券( abs )和资产抵押证券( mbs ) 。
5.Other investors were happy to buy that commercial paper because it was “ asset - backed ” , in the form of the mortgage debt
6.In america , where it is most advanced , this market is under a lot of strain , and so , by extension , is the giant asset - backed securities market that is linked to it
7.There is a whiff of self - rescue about the enterprise , especially with regard to citigroup , which is more exposed to the asset - backed commercial - paper market than any other bank ( see chart )
这里颇有些企业自救的意味,特别是对花旗而言,它比其他任何银行都更深地涉足于资产担保的商业票据市场(如图) 。
8.The results show that the industry factor , the company size and the proportion of non - debt tax shields have a remarkable effect on the choice of capital structure , while the multiple of interest safeguard and the proportion of asset collateral value do not have an obvious effect on the asset - liability ratio
9.Thirdly , based on correlation and multiple regression analysis , the thesis employs 165 listed companies in service industry , studies empirically inner influential factors of capital structure . it ' s concluded that leverage increases with rate of sales growth ; decreases with profitability , tobin ' q and non - debt tax shields ; and there is no significant correlation between firms " size , real tax , assets collateral value , ownership structure and leverage
对我国服务业165家上市公司2001 - 2002年末财务数据进行相关性和多元回归分析,得出,企业杠杆和主营业务收入增长率显著正相关;和托宾指数、盈利能力、非负债税盾显著负相关;和企业规模、实际税率、资产担保价值、股权结构没有显著影响。
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