| 1. | The second part is about hutchins " thought of higher education 第二章:赫钦斯高等教育思想。 |
| 2. | The dissertation focuses on the hutchins " thought of higher education 本文着重研究了美国教育家赫钦斯的高等教育思想。 |
| 3. | Both hutchins and kerr are celebrated american educational practitioners and thinkers in 20th century 摘要赫钦斯和克尔都是20世纪美国著名的高等教育实践家和思想家。 |
| 4. | In the l930s and l940s , president hutchins led the most radical and thorough general education reform in the american history 摘要赫钦斯担任芝加哥大学校长期间,主持了美国高等教育史上最激进、最彻底、最全面的通识教育改革。 |
| 5. | The author hopes to provide the higher education in china with lessons and experience through the research of hutchins " higher education thought 作者希望通过赫钦斯高等教育思想的研究,为我国高等教育的发展提供借鉴和经验。 |
| 6. | This part points out that his theories stem from his philosophy and criticism of actual conditions , and have important effects on directing practices 作者认为,赫钦斯高等教育思想的理论来源是其哲学观,他的思想与其实践活动紧密相关。 |
| 7. | The first part is introduction , which introduces " hutchins " life and works , and analyzes the theoretical framework and practices of his higher education theory 第一章:绪论。介绍了赫钦斯的生平和著作,并对其高等教育思想的理论基础和实践活动进行了分析。 |
| 8. | The author tries to describe a historical clue of the conflicts between two cultural conceptions , and hopes to obtain some enlightenment of reality by interpreting and evaluating hutchins " thought of higher education 同时,作者期望通过对赫钦斯思想的解读和评价,来获得对现实的启示。 |
| 9. | Through comparison with newman ' s classical theory of higher education and dewey ' s progressivism , this part illustrates the historical source of hutchins " thought and the debate with his critics 通过与纽曼的古典高等教育观和杜威的进步主义教育观的比较,分析赫钦斯高等教育思想的历史渊源,并试图描述一条两种文化观念冲突的历史线索。 |
| 10. | At the same time , the thesis also reveals the historical position and cultural conflicts of hutchins " higher education theory through comparison with the british higher educationalist john henry c . newman and the american educationalist john dewey 并通过与英国高等教育思想家纽曼和美国教育思想家杜威的比较,揭示了赫钦斯高等教育思想的历史地位和文化冲突。 |