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English translation for "走火入魔"

possessed by the devil

Related Translations:
入魔:  be infatuated; be spellbound
鬼哭神嚎之入魔:  amityville ii the possession
走火:  1.(枪走火) discharge accidentally2.(电线跑电) sparking3.(说话过头) go too far in what one says; put sth. too strongly; overstate
鬼哭神嚎ii之入魔:  amityville ii the possession
走火枪:  the runaway pistolzouhou qiang
说话走火:  talk without careful choice of words and overstep limits
走火通道:  escape routefire escape
猛击走火:  slamfire
步枪的走火:  the accidental discharge of a rifle
对流带走火灾阶段:  convective-life fire phase
Example Sentences:
1.The mes no matter , i ' m on fire
2.I think it is very common and everyone must have gone through it before , but perhaps not as serious as the character in the movie
3.I think it is very common and everyone must have gone through it before , but perhaps not as serious as the character in the movie
4.4 . practicing martial art can adjust your physical condition , including the condition of your tendons , bones , and muscles
5.Network all day soaking in the attention of friends above rafah , chances are one day you will be like him , unable to extremes
6.Introduction : network all day soaking in the attention of friends above rafah , chances are one day you will be like him , unable to extremes
7.Being possessed does not necessary mean that we become delirious or our faces become horribly distorted . when we do not walk on the right path , we will be walking on maya s path
8.Being possessed does not necessary mean that we become delirious or our faces become horribly distorted . when we do not walk on the right path , we will be walking on maya s path
9.If we do not control our minds with our buddha nature , do not practice seriously , are not honest to ourselves and do not examine our behaviors strictly , we will definitely be possessed by maya
10.If we do not control our minds with our buddha nature , do not practice seriously , are not honest to ourselves and do not examine our behaviors strictly , we will definitely be possessed by maya
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