| 1. | The sudden jolt plunged her forward . 突然颠了一下,她向前打了个趔趄。 |
| 2. | The drunkard staggered along the street . 那醉汉趔趄着走在街上。 |
| 3. | She slipped in the wet mud and fell to her knees . 她在泥水中打了个趔趄,跪倒在地。 |
| 4. | Suddenly, he started back at the report of fire-arms . 忽然,枪声起处,他朝后打了个趔趄。 |
| 5. | She threw herself at thomson, knocking him off balance . 她向汤姆森猛扑过去,把他撞了个趔趄。 |
| 6. | He picked up the heavy suitcase and set off with a stagger . 他提起沉重的箱子,打个趔趄就走了。 |
| 7. | Each staggered while trying to decide who had the better right to the door . 两人都打了个趔趄,弄不清到底谁有权先通过大门。 |
| 8. | Jastrow stares in a stunned way at the still audience, then stumbles toward the first row . 杰斯罗用惊呆了的神气瞪眼望着鸦雀无声的听众,然后趔趔趄趄地朝着第一排听众走过去。 |
| 9. | Faber's oilskin caught on a thorny bush and he almost fell before he tugged the material free with a loud ripping sound . 费伯的雨衣被带刺的灌木挂住了,他打一个趔趄,把雨衣撕了个大口子。 |
| 10. | He reeled along the street with glazed eyes, having just sense enough to know where he was bound, and to pursue his accustomed beat homewards . 他趔趔趄趄在街上行走,两眼发呆,什么知觉也没有,只知道朝着固定的方向,沿着走惯的路线,慢慢回家。 |