1.(人的社会、法律地位) status; capacity; identity 短语和例子 不合身份 incompatible with one's status; 以官方身份发言 speak in an official capacity; 身份不明 of unknown identity; unidentified; 隐瞒真实身份 conceal one's real identity; 护照往往可用来证明旅行者的身份。 passports are frequently serviceable in proving the identity of the traveller.2.(受人尊敬的地位) dignity 短语和例子 有失身份 be beneath one's dignity; 拒绝做不合身份的事 stand upon one's dignity; 身份证 identity card; identification card; id card; certificate of identification; 身份证件 identity document; 身份证据 evidence of identity; 身份证明 identification paper