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English translation for "身心愉快"


Related Translations:
身心:  body and mind 短语和例子健全的身心 a sound body and mind; 身心健康 sound in body and mind; physically and mentally healthy; 身心不悦 be in a bad mood; be in low spirits; 身心受到摧残 be physically injured and men
身心学:  somatics
身心疲惫:  fatigue
修养身心:  cultivate the body and the spirit
身心运动:  body-mind exercisemind-body workout
松散身心:  to relax oneself
身心的:  psychosomaticychosomatic
身心负担:  physical and mental burden
身心问题:  body mind problem
身心崩溃:  total eclipse of the heart
Example Sentences:
1.The carefully cultivated appearance would have given him pleasure .
2.Open confession is good for the soul
3.The hope passes psychological adjustment , you can handle similar case correctly , make him invigoration
4.We believe that everyone is entitled to surroundings that support their activity , inspire their actions and delight their senses
5.I envy you your peace of mind , your clean conscience , your unpolluted memory . little girl , a memory without blot or contamination must be an exquisite treasure - an inexhaustible source of pure refreshment : is it not
我羡慕你平静的心境,清白的良心纯洁的记忆,小姑娘,没有污点未经感染的记忆必定是一大珍宝,是身心愉快的永不枯竭的源泉,是不是? ”
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