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English translation for "身教胜于言教"

example is always more efficacious than precept.samuel johnson british writer and critic
time tames strongest grief

Related Translations:
身教:  teach others by one's own example
身教胜似言教:  a good face is a letter of recommendation
身教言传:  teach by precept and example; instruct sb. not only in words, but by deeds
身教胜于言传:  example is better than precept
言传不如身教:  example is better than precept
身教胜过言教:  example is better than precept
身教与言教:  example and precept
言教不如身教example:  is better than precept
身教重于言教:  example is better than precept.; example is always more efficacious than precept
老工人对青年工人不仅言传而且身教:  the old workers instruct the young workers not only in words but in deeds. spread
Example Sentences:
1.Example is more powerful than precept
2.Practice is better than precept
3.Children learn very quickly from their parents , even without being told
Similar Words:
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