The mutually synonymous character of homonyms in its evolution 形声字孳乳演变进程中的转注因素
A commentary of 转注述评
This topic is in the education forum and the say no to united nations ' abolishment of traditional chinese in 2008 petition forum 造字本是由象形,会意,指事,形声,转注,假借而来,繁体字才是正统文字,简体字中根本看不见这些文字的美,应该废除简体字才对
Prepare for our first vocab quiz . you will need to transcribe a sentence containing characters in lesson 1 into pinyin and translate it into english 预习我们的第一个单字小测。你需要把一个以第一课学过字词组成的句子转注为拼音,并将之翻译成英文。
As a result when relationship goes astray some people shift their focus to their children while others centre on music , literatures , blogs and many other interests 结果感情触礁了有人就把寄托转注在子女身上,有人就寄情于歌曲还有些人却把寄托都放在文学里工作上等等。