Cen sen ' s frontier poems and their reflection of the amalgamation of minorities in western regions during tang dynasty 岑参轮台诗及其反映的唐代西域民族融合
Luntai apricot is one of the best of its species , commonly known as “ pearl rose apricot ” 轮台小白杏是全球唯一的特种优质杏果,俗称“珍珠玫瑰杏” ,是杏中奇珍。
All these are as immotal as the ancient city of loulan , the ancient city of jiaohe , the ancient city of gaochang and the ancient city of luntai ; all these are as eternal as the heavenly lake , the flaming mountain and the grape valley 这一切同古楼兰古交河古高昌古轮台城一样不朽同天池火焰山葡萄沟一样成为永恒。
From korla tourists can reach the southern silk route by air or by bus through the taklimakan desert , second largest in the world . major scenic spots include the bayanbulak grassland , tiemen pass , bosten lake , ancient city of loulan , huangmiao temple of balguntay and the wonderful landforms of yadan 自此乘飞机或乘汽车穿越世界第二大沙漠-塔克拉玛干沙漠就到达丝路南线,主要名胜古迹有巴音布鲁克草原铁门关,博斯腾湖楼兰古城巴轮台黄庙雅丹奇观等。