| 1. | To join the axis might infuriate servia . 加入轴心国可能触怒塞尔维亚人。 |
| 2. | He was drafted by the u.s. an army which was at war with axis powers . 美国与轴心国交战,他就应征去当兵了。 |
| 3. | Only by the utter destruction of the axis was a decent world possible . 只有彻底摧毁轴心,才能有一合理的世界。 |
| 4. | After the withdrawal of the allies in april 1941, greece was occupied by the axis powers . 1941年4月盟军撤离后,希腊被轴心国家占领。 |
| 5. | The blades at its periphery throw off air centrifugally in a direction following the rotation . 轮周叶片将空气沿着转动方向抛离轴心。 |
| 6. | With the breaking out of the axis war in 1939, the atmosphere rapidly cleared . 1939年爆发的由轴心国家发动的战争,使气氛迅速地明朗了。 |
| 7. | Her axis partner, italy, had defected, and the allies were advancing up the boot . 她的轴心国伙伴意大利已经开小差,盟军正(向意大利半岛)挺进。 |
| 8. | Both axis and allies recognized the fundamental importance of the struggle for control of the sea lanes . 轴心国和同盟国都清楚地认识到控制海上交通线的斗争的极端重要性。 |
| 9. | After rumania joined the axis in november 1940, he had been interned and eventually transferred through a neutral port to the united states . 他在1940年11月罗马尼亚加入轴心时被拘留,后由一中立港口返回美国。 |
| 10. | Simultaneously, brilliant and daring sabotage operations were carried out by greek agents against axis shipping in the piraeus . 同时,在比雷埃夫斯,希腊地下工作人员进行出色而英勇的怠工行动来阻挠轴心国的航运。 |