| 1. | Lightweight gas turbine acceptance test specification 轻型燃气轮机验收试验规范 |
| 2. | Gas emissions measurement of light weight gas turbines 轻型燃气轮机气态污染物测量 |
| 3. | Light weight gas turbine exhaust smoke measurement 轻型燃气轮机排气冒烟测量 |
| 4. | Applied specification of fuels for light weight gas turbine 轻型燃气轮机燃料使用规范 |
| 5. | Light weight gas turbine operation and maintenance 轻型燃气轮机使用与维护 |
| 6. | Control and protective system for light weight gas turbine 轻型燃气轮机控制和保护系统 |
| 7. | Light weight gas turbines preparation for shipping and installation 轻型燃气轮机运输与安装 |
| 8. | General requirements for light weight gas turbine auxiliary equipment 轻型燃气轮机辅助设备通用技术要求 |
| 9. | General specification for lightweight gas turbine electrical equipment 轻型燃气轮机电气设备通用技术要求 |
| 10. | Noise criteria and sound measurement procedures of lightweight gas turbine turnkey instllations 轻型燃气轮机成套设备噪声值及测量方法 |