[ bèifen ] seniority in the family or clan; position in the family hierarchy; status of a generation in the family 短语和例子 她的辈分比我小。 she ranks as my junior in the clan
Now middle - aged americans may not keep in touch with old people until they are old themselves 直到20世纪末,大多数的美国人都和不同辈分的人相处。
Ministers and aristoctrats knelt down inside the gates of parting clouds on the southern and northern sides of bridge of gold bridge according to age and rank 王公大臣们按辈分和官阶分别跪侍在排云门内,金水桥的桥南桥北。
As cross - generational twins , a cloned child and his or her parent may experience some of the unique intimacy now shared by sibling twins 作为两代不同辈分的双胞胎,一个被克隆的孩子和他或她的父(母)亲会享受到只有同辈双胞胎才有的独特的亲呢感。
The society ' s special ritual and language were quite difficult to master , but ho lung had the highest “ degress ” and was said to have more than once enlisted an entire ke lao hui branch in the red army 哥老会的规矩和黑话很难掌握,但是贺龙的“辈分”最高,因此据说曾经不止一次把一个地方的哥老会全部兄弟收编进红军。
In the past two years , yfoh have organized some guided visits by themselves , participated in docent training programme , monument cleaning services and created a webpage of their own in order to share their views with others 在过去两年,青少年文物之友曾自行筹办参观活动、参与导赏员培训、古迹清洁义工服务及制作青少年文物之友网页等,藉此与朋辈分享他们的感受及所见所闻,成绩令人鼓舞。