English translation for "辨 "
Ⅰ动词 (辨别; 分辨; 明察) distinguish; discriminate; differentiate; recognize 短语和例子 不辨真伪 fail to distinguish between truth and falsehood; be unable to tell the true from the false; 分辨 distinguish; discern difference; 明辨是非 clearly distinguish right from wrong Ⅱ名词 (姓氏) a surname 短语和例子 辨清 bian qing Related Translations:香臭不辨 : be unable to distinguish fragrance from stench; can't tell stench from perfume
Example Sentences: 1. He senses the truth beneath her banter . 他辨 出这玩笑话里有真意在。 2. That is the fact beyond controversy . 那是无可置辨 的事实。 3. Her signature was an illegible scrawl . 她的签字潦草难辨 。 4. The croupiers' cries came thinly out into the night . 赌头的喊声穿过夜色,依稀可辨 。 5. I am in for a controversy . 我在等待一场辨 论。 6. He who runs may read . 跑着的人都能辨 读。 7. He thinks he can deceive the semi-learned by his eloquence . 他想他能够用他的雄辨 来欺骗半通者。 8. I wish to thank you for your very gracious and eloquent remarks . 我要感谢你的非常盛情和雄辨 的讲话。 9. Up to this point barbicane had kept aloof from the discussion . 直到这时为止,巴比康一直没有参加辨 论。 10. She paused and, sensing his tone, walked nearer to him . 她犹豫了一会,辨 出了他的声调,便向他走近一些。
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