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English translation for "迁回"

[ qiānhuí ]

Related Translations:
迁走:  go away
贵迁:  gui qian
迁栖:  transmigratetransmigration
电迁:  em
杨迁:  yang qian
人类迁徒:  human migration
迁善改过:  change one's evil ways and reform; reform and become good
反向跃迁:  opposite transition
基本跃迁:  fundamental transition
连续跃迁:  continuous tra itioncontinuous transitionsuccessive transition
Example Sentences:
1.They migrate back to the city library and we get a free ride out of this hole
2.They migrate back to the city library and we get a free ride out of this hole
3.They will move back to the original offices on august 11 , 2003 monday
4.They will move back to the original offices on august 11 , 2003 ( monday )
5.The crack in the sewage vent pipe of block e had been repaired before the residents returned
6.Later , when her mother moved back to the 5 ) netherlands , she attended private schools as well
7.As a result of the decline of the property market , some companies previously moved to secondary office nodes because of lower rent have moved back to the central business district
8.The parents of qing hong start thinking of ways to go back to shanghai . while her parents believe that shanghai can give their kids a better future , the 19 - year - old qing hong does not see things in the same way
9.Podium of ping shek public transport interchange will be relocated back to clear water bay road beside ping shek estate with effect from the first departure on the day , and the diversion will be implemented at about 10 : 00 a . m . upon the opening of clear water bay road uphill traffic lane
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