| 1. | The distributive effects in transition economy 过渡经济的分配效应 |
| 2. | This has enlighten sense partly for accomplishing our firm dominion in the transitive period 这一点对于完善我国过渡经济中企业主权的治理有一定的启发意义。 |
| 3. | This paper focuses on the modern incorporated business and the state - owned enterprise in bridging economic 我们的研究将集中于现代公司制企业和过渡经济中的国有企业两类。 |
| 4. | Its task is to keep inflation down ( helping smooth out the economic cycle ) , to protect the financial system , and to prevent a recession turning into a deep slump 他的任务是控制通胀(平滑过渡经济周期) ,保护金融体系,和阻止衰退转为萧条。 |
| 5. | So the necessity to accomplish the harness mechanism of firm dominion in the transitive period is to embody the firm property rights and let property rights clear and definite 因此,明晰产权,实现企业产权主体“人格化”是过渡经济中企业主权治理结构完善并制度化的必要条件。 |
| 6. | It quickly became a focal point for cooperation between chambers of commerce in developing and industrial countries , and took on added importance as chambers of commerce of transition economies responded to the stimulus of the market economy 它迅速成为发展中国家与工业化国家之间合作的关注焦点,与国际商业相互补充承担因市场经济的刺激而出现的过渡经济。 |
| 7. | This paper examines the following research question in the context of this change : what are some factors that influence transition economy firms to successfully change their operating know - how or knowledge sets to reflect the demands of their new environment 本文检验了由转变引起的以下几个研究课题:什么因素影响过渡经济公司成功转换他们的运营知识或者知识体系,对新环境的要求作出反应? |
| 8. | Comparative to the institutional firm dominion , the firm in the transitive period has more sever agency problem and the organ control power is invalid . the main reason is that the body of property rights in the firm has n ' t established and the constraint mechanism of proprietary rights is invalid 与制度化的企业主权相比,我国过渡经济中的企业主权的组织(包括行政组织与企业组织)控制力弱化,代理问题严重,其主要原因是企业内部合法化的产权主体未能真正确立,所有权约束机制失效。 |