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English translation for "进口物品"

imported article

Related Translations:
以物品担保的贷款:  loan secured by thing
报进口:  enterentry inwardshientry
进口垄断:  import monopolies
进口信用证:  import creditimport letter of credit
进口水位:  entrance level
进口证明书:  importation certificate
管道进口:  conduit entrance
进口裙:  entry skirt
走私进口:  smuggle
进口成分:  imported contents
Example Sentences:
1.Imports from africa included coffee , cocoa and olive oil
2.They also announced plans to end import taxes on goods from some of these nations
3.In other cases , however , a weak dollar hurts america businesses that deal in imported goods
4.A sydney man faces two charges of importing prohibited substances and one charge of possessing prohibited imports
5.Article 58 . taxpayers of imported articles refer to entry persons carrying the articles into china , the receiver of entering postal articles , and consignee of articles imported by other means
6.Which is imported solely for the purpose of exhibition and which is intended , to the satisfaction of the commissioner , to be exported after it has been exhibited and is neither sold nor disposed of in any other way in hong kong
7.Step up enforcement actions against copyright piracy activities , so as to prevent the exploitation of this opportunity to fake pirated goods as parallel imports ; if it will , of the details ; if not , the reasons for that ; and
8.Which is imported solely for the purpose of being used in a sports competition and which is intended , to the satisfaction of the commissioner , to be exported after the competition and is neither sold nor disposed of in any other way in hong kong
9.Importation of anything , other than the precious metals , was regarded as a loss to the nation of the whole price of the things imported ; unless they were brought in to be re - exported at a profit , or unless , being the materials or instruments of some industry practised in the country itself , they gave the power of producing exportable articles at smaller cost , and thereby effecting a larger exportation
10.But he also noted that the average age of a japanese farmer is 70 . he said japan will someday have no choice but to except more imports . the american ambassador said the dispute over agricultural trade is blocking greater economic cooperation with japan . but international farm trade was also the main issue that led to the suspension of world trade organization talks last year
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