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English translation for "进场着陆"

approach flight
approach land
landing approach operation
runway approach

Related Translations:
直线进场:  straight-line approach
示范进场:  demonstralion approach
穿云进场:  cloud-break approach
侧滑进场:  slip landing
进场管制雷达:  approach control radar
自动进场设备:  automatic-approach equipment
蟹形进场:  crab landing
开始进场高:  high injection
预期进场时间:  expected approach time
单发进场着陆:  single-engine approach
Example Sentences:
1.Approach and landing aids
2.Application of phased array technology in one station controls several vehicles of pilotless aircraft
3.The landing test included overhead approaches as well as straight in approaches from normal , high , low , and laterally offset starts
4.And the system has brought our army the independent security in the landing of russian pattern fighters , with a great military and economic benefit
5.In this paper , the method vision - based for uav autonomous landing is researched using technology of image processing , computer vision and projection geometry . the first task of computer vision - based uav autonomous landing is to recognize and track the runway using computer vision . a simple method is discussed to recognize and track the runway in the image sequences using template matching
本文的研究工作来源于“ 973 -无人作战飞机系统”项目,以某型无人机试飞过程中拍摄的着陆场景图像为基本研究材料,综合利用了图像处理技术、计算机视觉技术、射影几何学等方法研究了跑道识别与跟踪、进场着陆段的图像处理、无人机着陆段飞行参数提取等相关问题。
6.A large planar microphone array , which consists of 111 microphones , was successfully applied to obtain a two - dimensional mapping of the sound sources on a landing aircraft . the focus of study in this paper is on the landing gear noise source . the spectra , directivities and sound pressure levels of flap side - edge noise of 7 narrow - board commercial aircraft and 7 wide - board commercial aircraft are presented . it is found that the landing gear noise spectrum is broadband with some single tones in some cases . the directivity of the total sound pressure level of a landing gear noise resembles that of a horizontal dipole . the level differences between the various aircraft landing gears are larger than those expected from the airspeed differences . it is thus expected that the louder noise emission of the landing gears can be reduced by redesigning
7.Abstract : a large planar microphone array , which consists of 111 microphones , was successfully applied to obtain a two - dimensional mapping of the sound sources on a landing aircraft . the focus of study in this paper is on the landing gear noise source . the spectra , directivities and sound pressure levels of flap side - edge noise of 7 narrow - board commercial aircraft and 7 wide - board commercial aircraft are presented . it is found that the landing gear noise spectrum is broadband with some single tones in some cases . the directivity of the total sound pressure level of a landing gear noise resembles that of a horizontal dipole . the level differences between the various aircraft landing gears are larger than those expected from the airspeed differences . it is thus expected that the louder noise emission of the landing gears can be reduced by redesigning
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