| 1. | We are progressing fairly with the work . 我们正在顺利地进行着工作。 |
| 2. | The gossip went on, the euphoria grew . 闲谈继续进行着,欣慰感更见增涨。 |
| 3. | They continued stonily following the service . 他们还是无表情地进行着仪式。 |
| 4. | The play dragged on, and seemed interminable . 演出拖拖拉拉地进行着,仿佛没完没了。 |
| 5. | The slow swapping and buying of horses went on . 马匹的买卖和交换就是这样慢慢地进行着。 |
| 6. | The wind and the water were carrying on their perpetual quarrel . 风和海水正进行着它们那永无休止的争吵。 |
| 7. | A fertile and needful trade flowed between our two countries . 在我们两国之间进行着繁荣和互惠互利的贸易。 |
| 8. | Their love affair was played out against the background of a country at war . 他们恋爱时国家正进行着战争。 |
| 9. | At the timber-merchant's, in the meantime, conversation flowed . 就在这时,在木材商人家里,谈话正不停地进行着。 |
| 10. | While the hearings were going on, our sales dropped off dramatically . 正当听证会在进行着的时候,我们的销售量猛跌。 |