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English translation for "进进出出"

go in and out half a dozen times; shuttle in and out (of one's room)

Related Translations:
进出:  1.(进来和出去) pass in and out; get in and out 短语和例子进出港签证 port entry and exit visas2.(收入和支出) receipts and payments; turnover 短语和例子这个商店每天有好几千元的进出。 this store has a daily turnover of several thou
进出量:  icu. intensive care unit
进出路:  access road
进出国境:  outgoing and incoming
进出途径:  means of access
进出路径:  access lane
进出隧洞:  access tunnel
进出通道:  access wayexit-entrance shaft
暂进出局:  out
Example Sentences:
1.Denis might drift in and out to refill glasses .
2.Strings of dusty niggers with splay feet arrived and departed .
3.He had been coming and going, for the past year, so comfortably and irresponsibly .
4.The doors of the public houses were open and full of light, men passed in and out in a continual stream .
5.Beautiful women have been coming from that apartment
6." to let them in and out . " mr black answers
"让我的猫进进出出。 ”布莱克先生回答。
7.I don ' t mind the children ' s comings and gongs
8.Seeing lena hop in and out of all these different cars
9.She was very busy saturday and was in and out all day
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