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English translation for "远程火箭"

long range rocket

Related Translations:
轨道火箭:  orbital rocketorbiterorbiting rocket
远程呈现:  telepresence
远程调制解调器:  remote modem
远程引导:  remote booting
远程医疗:  remote medical treatmenttelemedicine
远程服务器:  remote server
远程监控:  remote monitoring (rmon)remote monitoring ii (rmon ii)rmon remote monitoringtelemonitor
远程检索:  telereference
远程用户:  remote user
远程受制显示器:  remote display (slave)
Example Sentences:
1.The effect of range correction system of long - range rocket adopting sins is analyzed through numerical simulation
2.Without any foreign assistance , china has independently developed intermediate and short - range missiles , long - range rockets , submarine - launched solid - propellant rockets , recoverable satellites , the technology to launch multiple satellites atop a single rocket , and geostationary communication satellites
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