This update resolves the " unchecked buffer in remote access service phonebook could lead to code execution " security vulnerability in windows 2000 这个更新档解决了windows 2000中远端存取服务电话簿中未经检查的缓冲区可能会导致程式码执行的安全性弱点。
This update resolves the " unchecked buffer in remote access service phonebook could lead to code execution " security vulnerability in windows xp . this vulnerability is the result of an unchecked buffer in the remote access service phonebook 此修正档可以解决目前windows xp上可能发生的远端存取服务电话簿中未检查缓冲区可能导致执行程式码安全性问题会发生此问题是因为远端存取服务ras电话簿中有未检查的缓冲区。